Auto login Retrieve Password


Please provide us the information about the role you want to retrieve and help us verify your identity

Please enter the email you register.

Which platform did your enter the game before.

Type the number or name of the server where your role is

Enter your role name exactly

Type your in-game itemlock Password to help us confirm your identity

Please provide us more information to help prove your identity,such as latest payment record, approximately balens and bound balens amount, etc. Upload Image
You can also upload some images to help prove your identity(Picture only)





author:7road| time:2020-10-04| view:6583

We insist that players' gaming experience should not be disrupted and players' interests should not be harmed because of the dispute between the developer and publisher. So we recover all gaming data and restore the game on our own platform. Here's the guide of how to get your role back.

Please register a 7Road platform account first and click the ‘SUPPORT’ button to submit a ticket to us.

In the ticket, you need to provide your Email Address(so that we can give you feedback) and some neccessary infomation about your character like Game, Platform, Server, Role Name(please type your role name precisely) and In-game Itemlock Password (the password is the most important info). And other detailed information such as your last recharge time and amount or your last login date or approximate balance of balens or bound balens or some other images that can prove your identity would be much helpful!

Here is an example:

It may take some time (within 2 days) for us to review your ticket. We will answer you as soon as we can via email.

Please do NOT resubmit the ticket before you receive a reply, which may cause mistakes after repeat retrieval. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

And if you still get trouble in retrieving your role back, please contact us via email

Hope to find you again in the Cloud City:)