1. You will obtain the Anniversary Chest 2021 through various events in the celebration. Open it and collect items for a chance to exchange for the Anniversary poster items - Anniversary Wreath Card and Anniversary Love Clothing 2. Like our Facebook page and share Anniversary celebration post to public, you will get an Anniversary Carnival code containing Bound Balen*100! Mahra*20! Anniversary Chest 2021! 1-Day VIP Card and other blessing items! (The code will be sent via private message within 3 working days. Thank you for your patience) 3. Devotion Event - Keep online and reach certain amounts of devotion daily during the event to get Mahra and abundant Anniversary reward! 4. Fishing & Jewelry Hunt - The most popular Fishing and Jewelry Hunt will be open from July 2rd to July 4th. Participate in time to get abundant benefits! 5. High-Speed Level Up - Experience high speed level up by Double EXP and Bounty Quest+10! 6. Gods Descent - The new round of Gods Descent will be online during July 2nd - July 4th! Faster, stronger, and more challenge! To find more anniversary excitement in Wartune Reborn, please follow our Facebook Fanpage!