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Wartune Reborn Valentine's Day Events

author:7road小编| time:2022-02-10| view:346

Dear lords, Valentine's Day is coming soon! What's your plan for spending this special day with the one you love? Wartune Reborn has prepared for you various Valentine's Day events which will give exclusive and amazing rewards! Log into the game and see!

[In-game Events]

1. You can obtain the exclusive Valentine's Day mount, clothing and other rewards from Valentine's Day hot events. Collect Valentine's Day Present to exchange for them!

2. Fishing & Jewelry Hunt - The most popular Fishing and Jewelry Hunt will be open during 12th-14th February. Participate in time to get abundant benefits!

3. High-Speed Level Up - Experience high speed level up by Double EXP and Bounty Quest+10!

[FB Event] Click here!

Do you have some words that you want to say to your Valentine, your game partner, person or things that you love? Share with us in the comment and 10 of you will win Valentine's Day Present *10! (Event ends on 14th February)

Wartune Reborn wishes you a happy Valentine's Day!

Log into the game to find more excitement in Wartune Reborn!